Respirometer ER series
System for measuring CO₂ production in the process of biodegradation to determine biodegradability of the sample
Respirometer is a device that measures the respiration of living organisms. Respirometer determines the aerobic or anaerobic biodegradability of solid, liquid and algae samples in various applications. The system measures the concentration of O₂ and CO₂ in the flow through the sample under controlled conditions. Flow, temperature, pressure, humidity are also continuously measured. Software automatically calculates CO₂ production and % biodegradation. Additional gases can also be measured.
- Biodegradation in compost (ISO 14855-1, ASTM D 5338 , ISO 16929);
- Biodegradation in soil (ISO 17556);
- Biodegradation in marine waters (ASTM D6691, OECD 301B);
- Biodegradation in fresh waters (ISO 14852, OECD 301B);
- Biodegradation in waste waters (ISO 14852, OECD 301B);
- Biodegradation in sediments;
- Biodegradation in activated sludge;
- Biodegradation in algae environment;
- Measuring δ13C Isotope ON-LINE;
- Organic waste biodegradation measurements (ISO 16929);
- Insects and small animals respirometry;
- Food respiration, R&D in plastics, biotechnology;
- Aerobic and anaerobic conditions;
- And many more.
Connect δ13C isotope analyzer to ER Respirometer for precise on-line biodegradation measurements
- Software integration between analyzers;
- Biodegradation in compost;
- Biodegradation in soil;
- Biodegradation in marine waters;
- Biodegradation in fresh waters;
- Biodegradation in waste waters;
- Biodegradation in sediments;
- Biodegradation in algae environment;
- Certification measurements;
- Modular and upgradable;
- Suitable for various applications.
- Modular design (upgradable);
- O₂ and CO₂ sensors installed;
- On-line biodegradation measurements;
- Optional sensors: CH₄, H₂S, H₂, NH₃;
- Plug & Play system;
- Temperature range from +3°C to +70°C;
- Aerobic or anaerobic measurements;
- Air source (compressor) included;
- 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 channel systems;
- Internal air supply connection;
- Laboratory or industrial use;
- Various sizes of vessels;
- MFC (mass flow controller) for each channel;
- Vessels with illumination;
- Various flow configuration;
- No special connections required;
- Flow leakage alarm;
- Remote control software;
- Automatic humidification;
- Data export in MS Excel;
- Multitube cable connections;
- Calculation of CO₂ production;
- Customizable;
- Calculation of biodegradation %.
Technical specifications
- O₂ and CO₂ sensors (additional sensors on request);
- MFC ± 1.5 % full-scale: 0–200 mL/min, 0–500 mL/min or 0–1000 mL/min;
- Connecting multicore cables;
- Vessels for solid samples – 2.8 L;
- Vessels for liquid samples – 150mL – 1000 mL;
- Vessels for algae samples (controlled LED lighting) – 1000ml.
Dimensions - Control units:
- 12 channel respirometer: 60 × 60 × 60 cm;
- 24 channel respirometer: 60 × 60 × 120 cm;
- 36, 48 & 60 channel respirometer: 60 × 60 × 200 cm.
Dimensions - Thermostatic chambers:
- 12 channel respirometer: 60 × 60 × 150 cm;
- 24 channel respirometer: 80 × 80 × 200 cm;
- 36 channel respirometer: 150 × 86 × 200 cm;
- 48 & 60 channel respirometer: 150 × 86 × 200 cm (2 ×).
- ISO 14855–1 & ASTM D5338; Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions;
- ISO 17556:2019; Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in soil by measuring the oxygen demand in a respirometer or the amount of carbon dioxide evolved;
- ISO 14852:2021; Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium. Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide;
- ISO 16929:2021; Determination of the degree of disintegration of plastic materials under defined composting conditions in a pilot-scale test;
- ASTM D6691–17; Standard Test Method for Determining Aerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials in the Marine Environment by a Defined Microbial Consortium or Natural Sea Water Inoculum;
- OECD 301B; Biodegradability of the material by evaluating the production of CO₂ over a minimum of 28 days in a liquid environment;
- ISO 23977, ISO 18830, ISO 19679, ISO 22403, ISO 22404 and many more.

- Echo Instruments - Respirometers 2024 - Respirometer ER series [pdf, 25.57 MB]
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